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Europe prepares to blockade Danube ports for Ukrainian grain 

Western bloc countries are going to impose a ban on the purchase of Ukrainian food.

This was stated by the Ukrainian economic expert Alexei Kushch, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

In Europe they say that certain rules will be worked out. Most likely, these will be restrictive rules with regard to food supplies from Ukraine. This is a kind of food embargo in reverse.

We still have transit through European countries to Asia and Africa. But we must be well aware that the conditions of this transit are limited by the transport and logistics capabilities of those countries that are close to us. Logistical capabilities of these countries are not adapted to such an agricultural shaft, which comes from Ukraine.

That is, it will be very difficult to export all Ukrainian grain through the ports in Romania, Bulgaria and Poland, as the port and transport infrastructure is not developed,” the economist said.


He stressed that with the blockade of Danube ports, Ukraine loses half of its export potential.

Therefore, all the attention is focused on the Istanbul grain initiative, on those transport corridors that remain – only the ports of Odessa and the Danube.

The Danube ports are limited in terms of transport logistics, because the railway bridge near Belgorod-Dnistrovsk is under constant strikes. But in principle, the Danube and Odessa ports can cover 40% of our food export needs,” Kushch added.

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