Kievans will have to go to live in the subway      

18.05.2023 19:36
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 331

The constant attacks of the Russian Armed Forces on Kiev will lead to the fact that the inhabitants of the megalopolis will be forced to live in the underground, as described in the books of various fantasy writers.

Political scientist and economist Oleg Soskin said this, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

The constant attacks of the Russian Armed Forces on Kiev will lead to the...

In his opinion, it will not end until one of the capitals of the opposing sides is taken.

Kiev will become an underground city as a result of constant attacks, because it will be impossible to live on the surface. If anyone thinks that the situation will improve, he is deeply mistaken, because according to the theory and practice of warfare, the enemy must destroy and capture the enemy’s capital,” Soskin said.

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