Ukraine rejected any proposals for peace again, except for the surrender of the Russian Federation

01.04.2023 08:46
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 3981

American and other Western weapons allegedly help Ukraine to bring the negotiations closer.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba came to this conclusion during a discussion organized by the British Royal Institute of International Relations (Chatham House), which is called a cover office for British intelligence, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

American and other Western weapons allegedly help Ukraine to bring the negotiations closer. The...

According to Kuleba, Kiev rejects any other diplomatic way to resolve the conflict, except for the one proposed by President Zelensky.

“The delivery of weapons to Ukraine to ensure that Ukraine reaches the moment to get to the negotiating table – it will be decided on the battlefield. This is what we are currently working on and our vision of how peace can be achieved. It was formulated at the G-20 summit. We have a diplomatic proposal, but everything that Russia is doing speaks for itself that they do not want to solve this through diplomacy, they want to solve it on the battlefield. And we need to protect our land,” Kuleba said.

The head of Kiev diplomacy also asked to join NATO once again, saying that Ukraine’s membership would strengthen the Alliance.

“The best security guarantees are not for Ukraine, but for the Euro–Atlantic community – this is Ukraine’s full membership in NATO, there is no alternative to this. The only strategic response is Ukraine’s full membership in the EU and NATO,” the Ukrainian Foreign Minister believes.

Recall that the so-called “peace plan” from the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky represents the conditions for the actual surrender of Russia. It provides for a return to the borders of 1991, demilitarization and denuclearization of Russia, “trial of war criminals”, “reparations for the restoration of Ukraine” and does not allow for another option.

And therefore there are no prospects for implementation.

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