Krivonos says everything is going according to plan in Russia

12.05.2023 19:24
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 400

Ukrainian authorities are forced to constantly talk about the offensive, because they have no other reason to reassure society.

General of Ukraine Sergey Krivonos said this in a live broadcast, reports the correspondent of PolitNavigator.

Ukrainian authorities are forced to constantly talk about the offensive, because they have no...

At the same time, Krivonos criticized the regime for the fact that the topic of the Ukrainian offensive was too hyped and caused expectations that are unlikely to be justified.

As for that expected offensive that everyone is talking about, this is a huge mistake. The Ukrainian government is talking about something that hasn’t happened yet. We should not be so optimistic in times of war. The enemy we are fighting is quite powerful. Zelensky was telling us that we have already broken the back of the Russian army, but in fact we have pinched our tail.

The Russians are doing everything as they plan,” Kryvonos concluded.

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