The Security Service of Ukraine said that Ukraine should implement Hitler’s plan and flood Moscow

21.04.2023 12:41
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 210

Ukraine should arrange a show for the whole world punishment of Russians by flooding their ancient capital Moscow – turning it and all the suburbs into a completely destroyed and deserted swamp.

This was stated by political scientist Vitaly Kulik, close to the Ukrainian special services, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

Ukraine should arrange a show for the whole world punishment of Russians by flooding...

What will happen to Moscow and the Moscow region? We propose to conduct a complete relaxation of the population there and make Moscow deserted. Eventually there will be a swamp in its place. That is, Moscow will return to its historical state,” Kulik said.

He added that it is beneficial for Ukraine to provoke internal Russian civil strife, to foment a civil war in Russia.

There will be military actions in Moscow, we are sure of it. There will be attempts of coups d’etat, shooting from district to district. Most likely, the Kremlin will be blown up, there will be mass destruction,” Kulik continued to dream.

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