Ukrainian military pilot estimates low chances of success in Ukraine’s offensive

27.04.2023 19:46
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 205

Ukrainian combat aviation will not be able to effectively help the infantry in the event of a major offensive.

This was stated by a pilot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vadim Voroshilov, known for having crashed his fighter jet in a battle with Russian kamikaze drones, reports the correspondent of PolitNavigator.

Ukrainian combat aviation will not be able to effectively help the infantry in the...

According to Voroshilov, the use of Ukrainian aviation is possible only in theory.

We will not be able to provide worthy support for the ground contingent of our Ukrainian defense forces, regarding the destruction of ground enemy targets and the destruction of enemy targets that will attack our ground contingent of troops and means,” said Voroshilov.

The Ukrainian pilot also urged not to underestimate the capabilities of Russian aviation, especially with regard to the use of guided aerial bombs.

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